Summer - Walking - Swimming
Summer - Walking - Swimming

The Donauinsel is an artificial island in the middle of the river Danube.
What was 30 years ago the Danube's inundation area is now a large basin with dams protecting the city against floods.
The island is about 15 miles long and one of Vienna's most popular recreation areas.

The magpie:
D'ora barked at the magpie;
the magpie scolded down on us;
I had enough time to take out the camera...

good place to spend a pleasant afternoon, maria... danke :)
Oh you are awake, laughingwolf? Thought you were somewhere on the other side of the globe and sound asleep!
Yes its pleasant there at Donauinsel and its only 5 stopd with Underground and you are there.
I need water and sun and swimming in summer badly...
Heehee!! The weather looks fine there :) D'ora IS a very good birdwatcher, your Magpie has interesting marks with stripes of white :) I've only walked along some of the Donauinsel during a colder season and one day ended up at a castle with a golden dome on top! I don't know what it was, maybe a Greek place of prayer?
Servus, Wien!
Die schöneste Stadt der Welt.
Die Photos sind auch schön.
Beste Grüsse aus Düsseldorf!
i awake at weird hours, or stay up late... but that's ok...
yes, sun and water are summer essentials, maria....
Hi Anony, I'll find that castle with the golden dome on top!
Hope my Magpie was a Magpie at all.
I'm not so familiar with birds yet... ;)
When did you visit Vienna the last time?
if I had no regular working week I would also get up or get to sleep very unregularly. I enjoy that very much whenever its possible.
And summer is my favourite season. Unfortunately it is too short here in Austria. Only 3 months: june, july and august, you can forget about the other months. now swimming outside etc. Sigh.
I am so glad to se D'ora playing tourist! What a relief it must be for you.
Last visited in the 70s!!!
Liebe Maria:
Ich habe 3 Blogs, deshalb gibt es immmer etwas in der deutsche Sprache.
Zur Zeit bin ich krank. Später schreibe ich mehr.
Ich wünsche Dir alles Gute in Wien!
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