Friday, 18 July 2008

Sky Watch Friday - Rain

Es regnet Schusterbuben!

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Anonymous said...

Lovely rainy landscapes! I like especially the first one.

Anonymous said...

You have captured the atmosphere in the rain well! I like the first where the clouds are devouring the mountains :) Have a great two day's hiking tour in the Alpenvorland!!

Liisa said...

These are my favourites so far!

EG CameraGirl said...

These photos make me feel good, nake me want to visit.

Rune Eide said...

I need my umbrella1

Maria said...

Thank you lasse for visiting!

Hi anony, that's the right word: the clouds are devouring the mountains! They nearly devoured us, too. We walked in the rain for 5 hours ;)

Thank you liisa for you compliment!

You are welcome to come again, your eg tour guide! Austria is also sunny in the summer!

Maria said...

runee - we were wet to the bones!

Small City Scenes said...

I bet you wew wet to the bones. I hope it wasn't too cold.
Thanks for visiting my blog. I know it is confusing but I live in Washington State not Washington DC. I am out west and DC is back east. Totally confusing. MB

Lilli & Nevada said...

wonderful shot of the landscaping and the sky

imac said...

Beautiful shots, love the dog too.

The Team thanks you for your SW photo and helping us in its new venture and making it a success.

dot said...

What great shots! Those are the kind of pictures I wish I could walk into and do some investigating.

Tommy said...

Nice series of picture. I almost forgot what rain looked like. Its pretty dry here in Colorado.

Rose said...

I am sitting here trying to think of words to describe these--but can only think to say I love these. Each one is a great capture and just the type of photo I love.

Mary said...

Great rainy sky shots! Really captures the mood of the day.

SandyCarlson said...


Pearl Maple said...

Thank you for your kind comments on my blog earlier, great photos for Sky Watch Friday.

Always interesting to see what parts of the world people are posting from and their view of the sky. Photos full of weather are always exciting to see.

laughingwolf said...

nothing like a good downpour to lush up the surroundings :)

Ingrid said...

Oh no, not rain, lol ! I am living in Belgium where it rains most of the time, so I really have an overdose of rain !

Max-e said...

I love walking around in that kind of weather. Great shots of a beautiful countryside

Markus Latva-aho said...

Hi! Great pos to sky watch and nicely catched rainy view.

♥ Stines hverdag said...

You have captured beautiful landscapes in the rain!

Catherine said...

Or how to publish a Sky Watch without Sky! Just with clouds!That's a fantastic idea.
Great mountain weather.
Sorry to be so late, Maria but this saturday was very buzy, holiday preparations! Have a good Sunday.

Ces Adorio said...

These are great images. You captured the rain and mist so well. Thank you for sharing Maria. I notice that everything is so clean!

Tom said...

Nice pictures.