I decided to call my strolls "Doggywalks", like "catwalk". Nobody ever walks a cat!
When I went out today I noticed that something was different: it was the light.
Temperatures are still pleasant, but there is this unmistakable feeling of autumn. See the shop windows: furry flipflops *LOL*
I always feel sad and lonely when the joyful colours of summer vanish.
A colourful blog could be a good cure for my autumn-winter depression!
This means: posting flowers, flowers, flowers, and some shop windows with fancy clothes...
So please come and join me on my dogwalk!
The light has changed: it is pale, the shadows grey.

And then my rescue: the flower shops!
You could compare them to an oasis in a desert.
Flower shops are the oases of the grey cities.

This is the forbidden garden. It is most attractive for my dog because there is real earth and bushes with live blackbirds, but the place is private and more than once we were banished by a fierce concierge.

We find a graffiti on the wall.
It seems to be the best emblem for the Vienna Night Owls, what do you think?
It seems to be the best emblem for the Vienna Night Owls, what do you think?
Some more colours, s'il-vous-plait?

Recommended Links:
Vienna Night Owls ("Wehe wenn sie losgelassen")
Walking My Dog on Saturday Morning (in April)
Walking My Dog on Sunday Morning (in May)
Walking My Dog on Saturday Morning (in June)
Walking My Dog at the Donauinsel (in July)
I love your eyes, how you see things. I love the summer but it is so hot. Autumn is my favorite season, it has a cleansing effect on me. I like to cool temperatures and the trees losing their leaves has a melancholy effect on me. I like seei bare trees in Autumn because I know they will bud in spring. Maria, I always like how Europeans converge on the lanes and squares. We don't see that here. Cities like yours that provide such venues can only enhance a sense of community. Again I say it: Your city is beautiful. I hope Dora knows she is walking on the same streets where great composers once roamed.
Gday Maria.. I enjoyed my walk along your streets sightseeing the shops and flowers .. Oh how im looking forward to warm summer days and nights...
It seems like such a sad post today. The soft pastels of summer make way for the hot and vibrant colors of fall. That is the way to look at it. Silly doggy, leaving messages for other dogs. tsk tsk! Maria, beautif pictures as always. MB
I enjoyed coming along on your "Dogwalk". Wonderful.
What a splendid walk! Thank you for sharing!
MB you are right, autumn colours are vibrant and warm and beautiful. Sometimes I get sad when the heat of the summer is gone, that*s all. I love autumn, too!
I love those fuzzy wuzzy slippers! what fun!
Another beautiful walk - thank you for sharing it!
That was very nice Vienna walk with a warm feeling in it.
Is it Votive church in that "tourist picture" ?
We were listening a wonderful concert there.
Have a relaxing Sunday, Maria!
Hallo leenam, thank you for joining me on my "dogwalk"!
Votivkirche looks very similiar, but this dome is St. Stephen's cathedral, in the heart of the city. Have you been to Vienna?
There are also beautiful concerts in the St. Stephen's.
Hope you enjoy your sunday. I wanted to visit your blog but I was not admitted :(
thank you, thank you, thank you - for the lovely tour! I will visit your site more often!!
Hi Maria . .popped over from Ces' place just to say that without exception, Vienna is my favourite European city so far (yet to visit Prague and Paris which are also high on the list!) Great doggywalk! Pretty doggy too! My daughter will be there next week for the second time . .Ahh Vienna . . .
Looks like a fun and interesting walk.
nice maria... but i love my autumns, since my birthday is then ;) lol
Hi Maria, you have shown again some great sights; doggie sights and walks; lots of flower shops to say goodbye to summer easier. Autumn will be just as beautiful with all the colourful leaves; I am looking forward to come to walks when the leaves go crunch under the shoes..and what else were we talking about? Tschau Maria.
Hi! maria!
Thank you for your really nice pictures.
I really enjoy seeing them.
the scenery is familiar for you.
but it's not familiar for me.
So I was really interested in them:) flowers are very beautiful but I like the small building's picture.
It's just small building. but I like it. I wish lent the small apartment of the building!
i wrote about the history of flip flops today! i just can't get over those furry ones!
those warm slippers are hilarious,came to see you from marie's blog, really like your blog and your humour.
Hi Maria; thanks for your message; I would call it doggywalks, it sounds fun and friendly. Yes, I had a nice quiet sunday; one of my daughters popped over and we had a cuppa together. It was quite warm,spring comes with Siebenmeilenstiefel. Have a nice week.
Nice of you to take us with you on one of your "doggwalks". You post some very good photos!
The flowers and scenery on the doggywalks are beautiful. I have surfer all the way back through August post and was delighted to find such wonderful posts and photo. D'Ora seems a lot like my Maggie, always hungry. Maggie loves all kinds of fruit. No matter where she is in the house, if you get out anykind of fruit there is a black magnet attached to the side of your leg waiting for her share. Peace
Hi, what a great walk. thanks for sharing this with us through nice shots.
Beautiful, beautiful pictures! I love the fall and the fall colours, the best season of the year:) But, I love summer flowers, too - and flower-pictures are always welcome:) Have a nice week, my friend:)
What a walk! What a city. The buildings! The sky. The flowers. Beautiful post.
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