Thursday 24 December 2009

Posing for the perfect X-mas photo!

Trying hard, then suddenly it's the perfect shot!
We wish everybody a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2010!
I'm looking forward to a New Blogging Year with you!

Thursday 17 December 2009

Sky Watch Friday - Snowy skies

The first snowfall is always marvellous!

In January we think the December snow was puny,

and in February we curse it!

Today we have the first snow flurries in Vienna!

Just in time for Christmas!

Search the sky all around the world for more snow clouds :)

Sunday 13 December 2009

Haben Sie Wien schon bei Nacht gesehn?

Wien bei Nacht!
My friend Brigitte and I took some pics in the neighbourhood of the Vienna International Centre.
That's a completely different side of Vienna, isn't it?

Concrete buildings with cool glass facades, and fantastic advertising spaces - what a colourful world!

Tuesday 8 December 2009

Ein grau verregneter Wintertag

Stadtpark, Stephansplatz, Singerstraße.
Right in the heart of Vienna.
On a rainy December morning.
Have you seen me and my doggy
reflected in the Christmas bulbs ?

And the watery raindrops ;)


Sunday 6 December 2009

Camera Critters - Winter Guests

Sibirische Saatkrähen
100.000 rooks from Siberia spend their winter time in Vienna. During the day, the black crows populate the parks, and in the evening, they fly to their roosts in the Schlosspark Schönbrunn.
Some of them have become permanent residents!

Monday 30 November 2009

Crystal lights...

Elegant candelabra above the Graben, Crystal lights in Kärntnerstraße, and big red balloons over Rotenturmstraße.
The City is prepared for the big Christmas sales!