"Gemeindebauten have become an important part of the architecture and culture of Vienna since the 1920s. Up to 1918, the housing conditions of Vienna's growing working class were appalling by modern standards. When the Social Democratic Party of Austria gained control of the municipal administration during Austria's First Republic (1918-1934) (so called "Red Vienna"), it began the project of improving living conditions for workers. A large number of Gemeindebauten, usually large residential estates, were built during that time. Including those buildings that were finished after the events* of February 1934, 64,000 apartments where completed, which created housing space for about 220,000 people. Apartments were assigned on the basis of a point system favoring families and less affluent citizens."
*) "The Events":
"The Austrian Civil War ( Österreichischer Bürgerkrieg), also known as the February Uprising, is a term sometimes used for a few days of skirmishes between socialist and conservative-fascist forces between 12 February and 16 February 1934. "
(See: Wikipedia)
More info on "Gemeindebauten" here at wikipedia

Sigmund Freud Hof, Wien Alsergrund
you take such interesting photos, and I learned something new today, thank you
These are quite respectable buildings for the needy, in Melbourne they built 13 story massive apartment blocks in groups in the 60's that were so pokey and anthill like that a lot of tenants took the option of taking the lifr, if it worked, to the roof and free flying down to the pavement. After a few dozen, the government got the message and stopped crowding so many people onto a postage stamp.
Huch.... da wird's einem ja morgens schon ganz schwummerig bei der Perspektive :))!! Aber: eine tolle Aufnahme! Wünsche Dir einen ganz zauberhaften Tag, alles Liebe - Kessi
Gut gemachte Reportage, Maria!
In the U.S. we have "the projects" and every city and town has them. They usually start out looking nice and neat with landscaped grounds but soon look neglected and dilapidated.
I could take some pictures of ours, you would be amazed how they're similar, Maria.
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