I pass it on to:
Barbara of Whispering Photos
Marie-Louise of Marie-Louise Living
Judy of Lilac Gate (Canada)
Lindab of Occasional Scotland
Babooshka of Ramsey Daily Photo
Cathernie of The Five of Us
Dina of Jerusalem Hills Daily Photo
Joseph Pulikotil of Life in Motion

I want to pass it on to:
Ida of Ida's Little Corner Of The World
Linnea W of Photoblogista
Annie of Annie's Blog
Photo Cache of People
Denise of An English Girl Rambles
Donna of Cottage Days and Journeys
Naturegirl of Nature Trail
I pass it on to:
Brenda of Whats UP down South
Valkyrien of Valkyrien's Fotoblogg
Tammie Lee of Spirithelpers
Elizabeth of About New York
Sara of Come Away With Me
Raquel of ComuniQuel
Jonna of Jonna's Life in Shelby County
Tyra in Vaxholm of Navigare necesse est
I thank you so very much for visiting and commenting my blog and awarding it.
You know I am very grateful about that. Your appreciation keeps me smiling :) - and feeling alive as a blogger, if you know what I mean :l
Please enjoy our awards and pass them on to your friends, if you so wish!
Thank you dear Maria. I'm honored to be counted among your blogging friends--such a nice community.
Much shalom to you!
Thank you, Maria! How sweet of you to think of me! I love your blog too and getting to know you.
Hi there Maria. It is late at night in Australia, and I have just bee working on my Sunday Psalm post,and discovered your comment, and lovely award! Thank you! That is very precious, and sweet of you to think of me!
I shall look forward to posting it on my blog shortly and also looking at some of the other blogs you have mentioned. Always interesting to meet new bloggers! And I will be back often to visit you in Vienna!
What a distribution !
I'm very glad to receive the friend one from you Maria. It is shared.
Bon dimanche.
Dear Maria, thank you for the award - I am honored to be in such good company! And also, I see some new bloggers I can go and visit.
Enjoy your weekend.
Hi Maria :)
First of all let me congratulate you for getting so many awards from friends all over the world. This clearly indicates you are a blogger par excellence with an exceptional ability to make friends from various nations speaking different languages, your unbridled enthusiasm and untiring efforts to make outstanding presentations embellished with magnificent photos and your exceptional ability to make interesting, beautiful comments.
You can see I am doing my best to imitate you and learn from you :) You are a source of inspiration to me.
I greatly appreciate your magnanimity and kindness in passing on one award to me and I feel as much elated, thrilled and my cup of joy is full and overflowing as though I have received an Oscar Award. Many, many thanks for giving me this exclusive award along with other great friends. I feel honored to stand in the wonderful,hallowed company of Barbara,Marie-Louise,Judy,Lindab,Babooshka,
Cathernie and Dina. They are a Magnificent Seven.
I bow my head to you, Maria,in great admiration.
God bless you and your family.
You so deserve each and everyone of these awards. Thank you. Very kind of you to honor me in this way.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Oh, Maria!!!! Thank you!!!! I am soooo honoured and grateful to you!!!
Congratulations on all the awards you've received! You do have a fabulous blog and have such an incredible ability at capturing the beauty and life of your city. Thanks for thinking of me and my blog. I'm happy to hear that you "love" it! It's very thoughtful of you to honor Photoblogista! Enjoy the weekend.
Thank you Miz Maria and congrats on all of those great awards!
Thank you dear Maria. I am sure the fact that my name is Maria too has not influenced you one bit in handing me this wonderful award :D
Heart felt thanks for the friendship award. Your kindness means alot to me. Smiles B
Thank you so very much!!! :)))
I really appreciate it!
Thank you so much - I'm really honoured! My husband loves Austria - he worked there during his university degree - and we try to return when we can. Your photos make me want to explore Vienna - can you believe I've never been? We always get stuck in Salzburg...
Apologies if I don't put the award on my blog straightaway. I'm frantically busy just now, but things should calm down in a couple of weeks.
Hi Maria, congratulations on all these wonderful awards. Thank you so much for giving me one. I am very appreciative and you are so kind. Always fun to visit and view your beautiful photographs.
Maria! Congratulations on all your awards!! Whoo Hoo! It is always a Joy to be acknowledged by fellow bloggers..I thank you so much for thinking of me in passing along one of your awards!
Please go here:
I express my feelings. hugs NG xo
:-) Wow, das ist ganz schön Arbeit, so ein Award, gell? lach.... :)) Liebe Grüße!
Congratulations on your awards, Maria! Well deserved for the wonderful photos you post.
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