wrapped up in golden wrapping paper,
and a red ribbon,
decorated with thousands of fairy lights and stars and candelabra and huge red balloons,
festive candles,
made up for an armada of amazed visitors.
Christmas city!
and a red ribbon,
decorated with thousands of fairy lights and stars and candelabra and huge red balloons,
festive candles,
made up for an armada of amazed visitors.
Christmas city!

City Hall, Graben, Kärntner Straße, Peterskirche,
Haas Haus, Rotenturmstraße, Stephansplatz, Ringstraßengalerien.
You wouldn't believe it?
Visit Brenda's photo challenge to see more festive contributions to Kim's theme
Holiday Decorations!

These decoration photos are dazzling! Thanks for sharing.
Gorgeous! Love the building in the big red bow and your night shots.
Oh my goodness. These are fantastic lights. That must be the biggest bow I have ever seen. I am so glad political correctness has not blinded Vienna. Merry Christmas!
Maria, thank you. I as still agog from taking in the wonderful Austrian flair for decoration. An amazing feat! Wunderful that you captured it for us to enjoy as well.
Ein Volltreffer!
What a wonderful post of photos. One of the advantages of living in a city is this type of display. I bet this is the world-wide winner for beautiful.
Oh MY! Those are some awesome decorations and perfect photos from the challenge!
How beautiful! I can't even imagine seeing that city.
The photos are great. Everything looks so Christmasy and festive!
Oh Maria! It's been so long since I visited. My home PC is very slow at opening photographs so I lose patience but I'm so glad I dropped by today. I LOVE the decorations. We don't have anything like it here. I remember fabulous illuminations in London when I was a child and windows full of pantomime stories. All we do is cruise the streets to see who's decked their halls with Christmas Kitch. These are lovely. (Clare came home two weeks ago . .Vienna/Prague . .fave European cities!)
WOW! That is a beautifully decorated town and I love, Love, LOVE The big red bow! Awesome!
Oh, I LOVE it! We hope to see Vienna sometime all lit up for the holidays! Spectacular pictures!
Sehr schöne Adventbilder! In der Rotenturmstraße waren wir noch gar nicht, steht noch auf der Wunschliste, wenn die Kinder kommen!
Liebe Grüße
Wow! Beautiful decorations!! Those "ornaments" hanging are huge!! Thanks for participating!!
OH my gosh! If they are this beautiful in photos... I can't imagine in person. Did you feel like you were in Fairyland? Thank you for sharing and Congrats on the no smoking!
Maria, wonderful photos of the the Christmas lights!
Explaining my comment: Here in some parts of the USA, which was founded on the belief that we are a Christian nation and invoke the powers of the Almighty (In God We Trust), we have always celebrated Christmas with glee, until recently when some politically correct organizations and/or individuals stopped celebrating because Christmas offends some religion and some people. Well, kiss my foot and wake Christopher Columbus up! Christmas is a celebrated worldwide. It is generally a good holiday (spiritual, celebration of giving and sharing). Some universities banned Christmas Trees and got rid of the manger and people were not allowed to greet each other Merry Christmas. Even in our company, we toned down the celebration a bit because of the moslems but I think people are getting fed up and it is coming back. We are having Christmas parties with Santa Claus and we can bring gifts to be given to a children's charitable organization. I am so glad Vienna is awash in celebration, I wish we were are too. I put up my tree yesterday, still need to decorate it and I am going to have a great Christmas with family and friends. Merry Christmas my firned!
Too beautiful. What a magical city. MB
Hello maria!
so beautiful!
I like the town in this season.
Because every town is decolated beatufully. they are very fun to see.
I wish this season never ended.
What a gorgeous city. Thanks for sharing.
I know that I am VERY late with my entry but it's up now. Just got snowed-under with parties and work. I hope Santa still comes :-)
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