There were many riding stables with friendly horses looking curiously over their fences, welcoming us.

Our dog was afraid of the big horses, he is more interested in the waterfowl!

A big part of Lobau is really wild, but there are small settlements here and there,
like this lane of houses with a wonderful view over the water.

A big part of Lobau is really wild, but there are small settlements here and there,
like this lane of houses with a wonderful view over the water.
Are you sure that horse is welcoming you with his tongue sticking out at you. :)
Love your doggie's shadow in the water.
That shot is very lush and pretty and yes, the swam makes it romantic as well.
My post is here: Carletta’s Captures.
I bet D'Ora had a great time (no snakes!)
Buster would have come too if he had the chance.
What a lovely walk.
Eine herrliche kleine Wildnis bei Euch :-) und ein herrliche kleine wilde Hundedame, die die Welt erkundet. :O) Einen ganz zauberhaften Sonntag wünsche ich Dir, bis bald Kessi
Beautiful photos! I like your reflections as well. I have never been to Austria, but after I looking at these pictures I feel like going there.
Of course I like the horses best. They're always romantic to me...
Our Daisy loves to go after the waterfowl, or any bird that's slow enough to be tempting.
cool pictures, happy camera critters!
Luna(from Brazil)
Horse tongue - a bonus! LOL Great photos.
What a nice relaxing walk! Nice shot.
how cute is your dog and the horses. i love also the cute little white duck swimming alone in the pond.
really interesting - your dog is an explorer
What a relaxing place to meander around. Dora looks quit excited about the fowls. In the previous post I was jealous of your fotoworkshop atomosphere. Peace
The horses probably thought you had pieces of carrot or bread crusts for them. D'Ora probably didn't want to be stepped on.
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