Sunday 30 November 2008

First Sunday in Advent

Sonja's photo :)


Dina said...

Very pretty.
I wished you and all a blessed Advent hours ago but the post is not showing up on the blog rolls. I wonder why.
Looking forward to your second candle next week.

Arija said...

Gestern Abend habed die Enkel un zum ersten Advent eingeladen. Duftender frsh geflochterer
Adventskranz, Lebkuchen mit Schneeflockenmuster verziert, selbst gezaubertem Fondant und Leckerli und dem alten Schwedischen Adventsglockenspiel. Dazu noch der 10 Wochen alte
"Rex", der kleine Schaeferhund unseres Enkels.
Einfach entzueckend.
Ich wuensche euch eine herrliche Adventszeit und waere so gerne auf dem Christkindlmarkt gewesen.

ayamlin said...

Hi maria!
what a romantic!
it's really beautiful!
How do you spend time for Christmas?
I spend time with my family after getting married. but when I was young I spend time with my boyfriend. most Japanese young people spend time like that.

Small City Scenes said...

We used to do an Advent calendar when we were younger---that is beautiful. MB