Last Wednedsay evening, my friend Brigitte and I strolled through Vienna's 2nd district,
Leopoldstadt, accompanied by a little booklet, our culture guide.
The district is situated on an artificial island between the Danube and the Donaukanal on the area of the former floodplains of the Danube.
So, come on!
The first recommended object on our tour is the "Dianabad", Europe's first indoor swimming pool from 1850!
Remarkable: the building once served also as a ball and concert hall during the winter seasons.
Here, Johann Strauss' world famous "Donauwalzer" received its world premiere in 1867.
Today, nothing is left of the original building.
After being rebuilt around 1900, destroyed in WW 2 and finally burning down some years ago, the building looks like this today:

A so called "Erlebnisbad", a water and fun park with waterslide and wave pool,
and some original Jugendstil mosaics in the entrance hall for decoration.

We walk through Karmeliterviertel with its churches and market places
and try to find a house which Johann Strauss, the king of waltz, once inhabited. When we look up, a stag, larger than life, looks down on us! We've never noticed that bizarre creature before!

We walk through the rainy little streets and the small hidden market squares of Karmeliterviertel, with its small pubs, "Beisln", and its old houses, some of them more than 250 years old, and the classical houses of Vienna's wealthy bourgeoisie.

We plan to visit this "Beisl", Gasthaus zum Sieg, on one of our next trips.
It promises traditional Viennese food, and its interior has not been changed during the past 70 years (at least)!
We LOVE that!

Throughout the centuries, the second district was mainly inhabited by Jews.
Today we see some kosher shops and some inscriptions on the walls, but all the synagogues have been destroyed by the Reichskristallnacht progrome of 1938 foreshadowing Holocaust.
What a horrible catastrophe!
Needless to say, only a few Jews have
"Freud's lost neighbors" , an exhibition at the Sigmund Freund Museum Vienna in 2003,
showed the history of the residents of the house at Berggasse 19 from 1939 to the present. Please follow the link for a
precise outline!
By now, a documentary is being screened by the Jerusalem Cinemateque in cooperation with the Austrian Embassy.
Thank you
Dina for your valuable hint!

Again we have to search for a shelter from the rain, and this time we choose an Italian restaurant, run by a Croatian owner.

The evening is too short for a visit of the
Prater, Vienna's largest recreational area with its amusement park, the "Wurstelprater", and the famous giant's wheel "Riesenrad" reminding of Harry Lime and the Third Man.
This would be a nice weekend trip!
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