We left (some of) these footprints on our hiking trip through Austria's Pre-Alps some days ago.
If you want to see more photos from our trip, please follow this link to my hiking blog!

They were so cute and curious,

We walked for some hours through the rolling hills,
the meadows and woods were covered with white frost.

Ich habe auch 'Der lustige Wanderschuhe' besucht, wunderschöne Bilder von deine Wanderung über der Traisentaler Rundwanderweg!
That sunset is gorgeous!!
Dress warm :)
Awesome photos Miz Maria! I love the frosty scene with the hills!
You live in a wondrous place-it looks absolutely beautiful. I could hike there for hours too!
hallo maria,
wie immer wunderbare fotos.
liebe grüße
hallo maria,
wie immer wunderbare fotos.
liebe grüße
Wonderful! The next-to-last photo is breathtaking, and I love the footprints, too.
What lovely photos of your hike...you must have had a wonderful time!
Thanks for taking me along on your hike. The first photo of the footprints really made my laugh.
Great moments and awesome photos.
Great photos. Especially the last two.
A wonderful, enviable hike. The footprints are so cute especially those from the Hen! The two donkeys are adorable; no wonder your Dora was taken with them.
Maria, do you like my little word play?
The sun looks so close you could almost touch it! :D
What a wonderful hike! Such a superb winter landscape and animals and that glorious sunset as well! I'm envious.
Maria, Deine Fotos sind soooo wunderschööön!!!! Die Umgebung bei Dir ist zauberhaft und man sieht, dass Du auf das wirklich Wichtige achtest. Und Euer Hund ist ein ganz nettes Kerlchen :)), auch die Eselchen, wunderbar. Eine herrliche Welt ;))! Genieße sie! Alles Liebe von Herzen ´- Kessi
Maria I love the shot with the hills all frosty. Breathtaking!
What a delightful walk. The animals you met look like burros, oh so cute. And how lucky to get a gorgeous sunset to end the day. Thank you for sharing.
Maria hallo
kalt, dass ...
Hier ist es Sommer.
awesome photos, great..
I really enjoyed all of these but I think my favorite has to be the birdie footprints in the snow. That one brought a smile to my face.
And a great world it is. MB
Those donkeys are so cute! The rooster is quite the guy.
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