Sunday, 4 May 2008On Sundays, I take a walk with my dog in the Stadtpark nearby.
We start our tour as usual in Grünangergasse,
(with its famous one and only tree)
walk over to Kumpfgasse
walk across Ringstraße
(with almost no traffic - very unusual!)
and enter the green oasis of Stadtpark.
and arrive at "Kleine Ungarbrücke"
which leads across Wienfluss.
In this part of the Stadtpark the dogs runs freely.
We pass a well spending water , "Labetrunkbrunnen"

and walk in the shade of giant ginkgo trees.

Here is U4 underground station "Stadtpark",
originally designed by Otto Wagner around 1900
as a station for Vienna's urban railway system, the "Stadtbahn".

There are two pavillons, one on each side of Wienfluss.

We pass by my favourite place, "s'Biergart'l im Stadtpark"
where I love to drink Budweiser beer in summer, under old sycamore trees...

We walk along the river promenade

with its giant blue sculptures

and the statue representing Spring

The crow in the river enjoys the morning sun.

Across the river, a shady terrace invites for breakfast...
but we go home now,
say good bye to the monuments 
and the lawns and the trees,

and head for St. Stephens...