Nach dem Essen sollst du ruhn, oder 1000 Schritte tun!
After dinner rest a while, after supper walk a mile!
That's what hubby, doggy and I did this afternoon, and we came to some stiller corners of the city.
After dinner rest a while, after supper walk a mile!
That's what hubby, doggy and I did this afternoon, and we came to some stiller corners of the city.

Thank you Maria! I really enjoyed my walk with you in the roads of Vienna!!!
Last time I was in Vienna in 1989 and it seems that the city has changed a bit:)
Lovely walk - thanks!
Dein bezauberndes Wien und Deine stillen Ecken sind so verschieden von meinen stillen Weiten, aber beide gleich gut zum Laufen.
Maria, I felt like I was the camera hanging on your arm as you strolled around your enchanting city. Thanks so very much for sharing it with us. Peace
Thank you for taking us on this splendid walk Maria. Vienna is a very beautiful city.
Wiedereinmal sehr schön, an deinem Wien-Spaziergang teilzunehmen, bald werden wir die Stadt auch wieder unsicher machen! LG aus dem Salzkammergut
Maria do you feel like playing? Answer the question at my blog...
Schööön, wir fühlen gleich! :D Ganz herzliche Grüße nach Wien!! Kessi
I love the wrought iron, the architecture, and the brick walkways in your city. Thanks for the Vienna tour, Maria.
Thank you for sharing the beautiful street scenes of your grand city!
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