Last weekend the rain began to fall.

After three days of heavy rain, there is high water in Vienna.

But the sky behind the lighthouse is marvellous :)

The Vienna Skywalkers watched the sky today on their weekly tour along the Danube!

Watch the sky around the globe at
Marvelous captures, as always, Maria! Your skies in these shots look very much like the northwest! And isn't it wonderful when the sun finally comes out? The last shot is gorgeous and my favorite!
Have a great weekend -- hope you have some sun!
I LOVE clouds like that! Very cool.
from the photos you showed, it looks like rain is not about ready to stop altogether.
i love gray cloudy days like this.
Love it when you can see the rain falling like the first shots! And the closeup of the lighthouse is simply gorgeous!
Excellent photos as always!
Have a nice weekend
Regina In Pictures
The 'sheeting' in first few shots is amazing. Wonderful capture.
Wow you really DID have some rain there! The last two pictures make me think of the great song: "Gray skies are going to clear up... put on a happy face" :)
*Have a Sunny Weekend*
Ciao for now ~Maria
Your captures are absolutely stunning...those first three photographs are marvellous. This is the first time visiting your blog and it is wonderful. I will be back for another visit or two. Thanks for sharing.
:o)) Bei Dir beeindruckt mich selbst das schlechte Wetter, lach.... tolle Aufnahmen!! Einen ganz wunderbaren Tag, ein schönes Wochenende, liebe Grüße Kessi :-)
Brilliant watercolours you have painted for this friday.
oh, wonderful big dramatic skies!
I love the falling rain. Nice snaps. =)
I like the after rain pics. Interesting.
Great shots Maria. I like them all but the first 3 rate top notch. Very wet looking. MB
Hi Maria!
your pictures are marvellous!
during this season it rains a lot in Japan.
is it the same in your country?
You've caught those rain clouds so well! Great shots.
I love those clouds . . . on the computer.
Flooding is so sad and so dramatic to see.
Sky photos are wonderful and the one behind the lighthouse is great. The white lilly post was a breath of light after those previous photos. That was a lot of rain. peace
Wow...amazing skies and clouds. Very dramatic. I heard from my relatives in southern Germany that it has been raining very heavily...looks the same in your parts. I love all of these but in particular I like the one with the lighthouse...
Skies like a Waltz!
Grand and gray.
Saw you at Dina's blog and was intrigued. Glad I came here.
You are most welcome to visit my Hawaii Blog! My skies salute yours.
Comfort Spiral
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