Imagine you live in a house like this with a beautiful balcony!

High above the busy traffic,

and pleasantly close to a busy market place!

Wiping the sleep out of your eyes, you enter the market,

you look around and think you are still dreaming!

Rich colours that make you smile

flowers as sweet as ice cream :)

lush colours of peonies and roses.

It's like a dream!

Stately villas along the street, Wienzeile, built around 1900,
everybody enjoying their stroll.

Look at the farmers' market:
veggies from the nearby Marchfeld, red and green, and so fresh!

First cherries from the Burgenland, and also some asparagus

neatly arranged with tomatos and cherries!

And, of course, the Mediterranean delicacies in abundance!

More summer flowers, arranged as if in a painting,

together with cherries, berries and peppers!

Ah, I'll buy some flowers for the balcony!

And maybe some strawberries for dessert?

And the onions, too, but just for their colour!

Some feathered spectators on the roof,
watching the scene!

We leave the crowded market and enter a side street.
Here, a street festival is in preparation!

Ah, let's have breakfast here, it looks so inviting!