Friday 15 May 2009

A relaxing Sunday stroll along the Donaukanal

At Schwedenplatz, turn around and look in the direction of the first district!
Then you can see this place

Sand in the city,
Vienna City Beach :)

Tel Aviv Beach

A fisherman under the bridge, an elderly couple on their Sunday afternoon walk.

See the shoes?
They belong to some young people climbing up the wall!

Graffiti everywhere, what a colourful abundance!

Somebody in a rubber dinghy enjoying the Donaukanal!
A very unusual endeavor, but surely delightful!

And the first roses, also here along the Donaukanal, opening their buds!


What a nice colour!

And even a bee on it!

The colour of the bud is overwhelming!

Here the whole ensemble of roses!

I cross the bridge and walk back towards Schwedenplatz on the other side of the Donaukanal.

The atmosphere is mystical - sunlight and shadows and green, and people relaxing in the greed shade!

The elder bush is full abloom - Holunder - and its sweet smell perfumes the air!

This is one of many Schanigardens, this time run by a radio line.

Must be nice to sit beside the water under the shady trees,
listening to the music!
But it's too early to sit there, maybe in the late afternoon?


Travis Erwin said...

Beautiful shots. I once again liked to you for My Town Monday.

debra said...

These are lovely photos. Thanks.

Mary said...

I feel like I was there with you. Thanks for the wonderful tour!

Wienermädel + Co said...

Sehr ausführlich dokumentiert - teilweise sind da Plätze dabei, die ich gar nicht kenne.
Die Glaskuppel?!?
Und wie ich sehe, ist die Natur weiter als bei uns - Hollerblüten gibt es hier noch nicht.

Barbara Martin said...

Lovely photos, as usual, for a leisurely walk along the water. Thank you, Maria.

waldviertelleben said...

so viele, schöne, interessante fotos. da kriege ich richtig lust auf einen donaukanalspaziergang beim nächsten wienbesuch.

Jenn Jilks said...

Great shots!