Friday 4 May 2012

Imagine I'm in Paris!


We spent a whole day strolling through the city, visiting Notre Dame, the Louvre, Jardin des Luxembourg,Centre Pompidou, and walking back to Rue La Fayette, through a wonderful city!

And look what an ambiguous picture came to our view when we approached Notre-Dame des Paris!


Kessi said...

....15 Jahre ist es her, seit ich dort war. Eine wundervolle Stadt und wie ich sehe, ist noch alles da :-). Ganz liebe Grüße, Kessi

Babsi E. said...

Wunderschöne Fotos. Mir scheint, ich war vor 8 Jahren mit dem falschen Mann zur falschen Zeit in Paris ... Mir hat's damals gar nicht gefallen, aber deine Fotos machen wieder Lust drauf, es neu zu entdecken! :-)

Donna said...

What a beautiful place! I adore the architecture! Hope you have a wonderful time.

Elizabeth said...

So thrilling!
Wish I was there too!
Buster sends greetings to D'ora!

Lady Di Tn said...

Glad you shared some photos and they are very crisp clear ones. I will probably never go so thanks for taking me along. Peace

Arija said...

May in Paris Maria, I could almost envy you. Thank you for posting the rose wheel window of Notre Dame.